Thursday, October 6, 2011

Are you cyber addicted?

First of all let's see what we mean by 'cyber addiction'. The term covers a variety of impulse-control problems including the following addictions : cybersex, cyber-relationship, net compulsion, information overload and computer addiction.

Let's talk about cybersex addiction! According to Helpguide website the term refers to the compulsive use of Internet pronography, adult chat rooms, or adult fantasy role-play sites impacting negatively on real-life intimate relationships. Well... I'm starting to feel a bit concerned now... Akward. More seriously, cybersex seems to be the inescapable cyber illness of the 21st century. The main issue tends to be the constant flows of datas, communications, shares, etc. The Internet never sleeps. Something somewhere is always waiting for you. I mean that the Internet gives a potentially freeway for addiction.

We now can do pretty much everything on the Internet. Except procreating or giving birth. But shopping, listening to music, sending wedding wishes, finding lost friends, watching films, booking our holidays, selling my rubbish christmas present,... We can even have friends and nobody enjoys our company in the real world. Because the Internet offers the anonimity in one hand, and a 360° escort in the other hand, addiction is never so far away...

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