Thursday, September 29, 2011

Global Warming does not exist

"Global warming is the pussy's way of whining." brainless Paul Frank says on 'Points in case' website. Global Warming doesn't exist. It's been created by the liberals. As an example to make his point stronger, Paul Frank approximately says "Look what happened with the Titanic in 1914! This is the irrefutable evidence that the melting of the polar ice caps was already started!". According to him, our way of living nowadays, our factories, our cars, our televisions, our buildings enlighted all night long, our washing machine, deforestation, drying the rivers, are not as many reasons to explain climate change as we think it is. 

Paul Frank and even one of his 'writingmate' on website 'Points in case', James White don't take it seriously at all. They joke, they laugh, they talk from their empty minds. According to James White, the reason why Al Gore's brillant documentary 'An Inconveniant Truth' is a "mistake" is because of its lack of action and explicit sex. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Even if this kind of graphics is not to be considered on its own as temperatures follow an up and down curve since billon of years (which means we could only be in the up now, so no panic?), this is one of piece of the undoubted global warming puzzle.

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